Cabled Pencil Case

A part of Operation: Use up Yarn

Based on my recent entries, you’d think I’d become a full-time crafter.  Unfortunately, no.  These are all the projects I was working on while not blogging.

This Cabled Pencil Case is a free pattern on Ravelry by Dissolved Girl.

I started this project on the airplane to Japan.  I finished it in about two hours on a 13-hour flight.  Bad planning on my part.  The pattern is not too difficult as long as you keep track of what row you’re on, at which I am terrible.

The finished knit portion looked like a floppy shell.

Now the project needed a lining.  Great…sewing.  Yes, I just finished my first real sewing project, but I still barely know how to use the sewing machine, let alone create my own pattern for a bag lining.  I had to do this lining twice because the first lining was a hot mess.

So, I ever so carefully traced the bag, cut out the fabric, and seamed…

And soon, I had something that more or less resembled the shape of the bag (the angle in this photo is a little odd, but the bag was actually very symmetrical)…

Next, I inserted the lining and pinned the zipper in place…

I really need to get appropriate needles for sewing knits because the regular needles tend to pull the knit awkwardly.  Oh, and by the way, this is what happens when you accidentally sew over the metal part of the end of the zipper…

In the end, I got the zipper in place…

And here is the finished bag!

Works well as a makeup bag, too…

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